Next Level Athlete: Free Workout + Meal Plan Guide


  • 1 day Nutrition Plan that will help you get an idea of what to eat to become a next level athlete
  • 1 day Athletic Workout to help you start on your journey of becoming more athletic

My name is Carl Steen certified personal trainer, sports performance coach, and CEO of 3rd Generation Fitness.

Do you ever feel like you need to become more athletic?

Do you have a workout routine but its not based around your athletic goals?

Are you constantly comparing yourself to others?

Maybe you want go to the next level in your athleticism for your sport or just in life in general but don't know where to start?

I understand what you're going through. I had the same problems as well. Shortly after college, I started lifting every day trying to obtain an athletic physique. I was naive in thinking that it would happen overnight and constantly compared myself to others. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere even though I was putting a lot of work in. Unfortunately, it wasn't the right type of work.

I noticed I wasn't happy with my physique and the way I was training. I really wasn't satisfied with how I was feeling overall. I had no structure, no plan, and needed something different to reach my goals.

Internally I was dealing with comparison. Constantly comparing myself to others so I could aim towards receiving validation. I was feeling sluggish from bad eating habits. My spiritual life and overall mindset were just not in the right place.

And the workouts? They were just not intense enough. The nutrition was not detailed enough and I struggled with being around the right circle of people. I did not have the support or accountability that I needed to move in the right direction and reach my goals.

When I gained structure, different workout plans each month, proper nutrition, improved relationship with God, a mindset shift, and the support I needed to get to the next level, that's when I started to reach my goals.

And now I want to show you how to do the same thing. That's why I created Next Level Athlete. Next Level Athlete will help you on your journey to becoming a better athlete.

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