What You're Going To Get:

  • Skinny to Fit - 3 Day Full Body Workout Plan, a digital workout plan that helps men of God who are trying to gain muscle elevate their athleticism so they can actually reach the goals they set. (VALUE $97)
  • 3 Complete Full Body Workouts: Workouts you can do at home or at the gym to help you in the beginning stages of gaining muscle. (VALUE $97)
  • Muscle Gain Meal Plan: Meal plan to help you jump start your nutrition and fuel your muscles for each workout. (VALUE $47)
  • Muscle Gaining Food List: List of food that will help you gain muscle and fuel your body for energy to get through your day! (VALUE $9)
  • BONUS - 3 Workout Video Tutorials: Private videos to accompany each workout with full tutorial of each exercise and explanation of its benefit. (VALUE $20)
  • TOTAL VALUE: $270
  • YOURS TODAY: $27